Monday, December 26, 2011

Shooting party

The collection of individuals who take delight in pointing and clicking cameras at works social events in order to capture less flattering moments. They are the vocational equivalent of the paparazzi. Most prevalent during the Christmas festive period but can be rallied into action at other occasions. Far more dangerous in more recent years as the rise of social networking has provided a vehicle for unexpected delivery of unwanted / damaging imagery.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Toxic toucher

An individual who can bring a situation to a stand still as soon as they appear at the scene. 'The toxic toucher is here, the project is doomed'.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Frequently Unanswered Questions (F.U.Q's): Cause of halting progress and not fulfilling an obligation to keep the workforce informed. 'F.U.Q. knows' - meaning that there is nobody available or prepared to provide an answer.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Atherd (aterd)

A exponent of the herding of atoms (see atom herder). At-herd, variation in spelling, aterd.

Atom herding

Derogatory term for unnecessary micro management. 'He has been atom herding again'. 'They are an atom herder'. Atom herding is carried out by an atherd. At-herd, variation in spelling, aterd.

Vortex Maximus

A metaphorical spinning all consuming hole that eats resources. Nothing gets completed when one of these is around. Can be applied to a situation, 'there is a vortex coming' or an individual 'the vortex needs to be eliminated'.

Fat Hike

The act of following a route to a known destination via electronic means - usually a break activity in the office. Example: using Google Street View to travel a route so as to not expend necessary energy finding the location. The benefits of the Fat Hike are that you never have to get wet or wear out shoes in finding a location. The downside is that it detracts from the benefits of actually walking there and motivation still has to be gathered to undertake the physical trip.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Spam salad

A day where the IT department is inundated with rougue email.


Term for a method of raising team moral. 'We need a taxi to get this job finished'. Giving the team a lift. 'Call for a cab!' We need help.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Getting the woes of the day out of your system. 'Having a good chunt'. 'That will give them something to chunt about'.


An individual who can accelerate office news or warning of unrest. If your task requires that others need to be made unofficially aware of a forthcoming situation then this is when an exblurt is most effective. The best exponents of this skill a never caught in the act of message delivery while all concerned know exactly the route of delivery.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Moscow Day

An extremely busy day. You just know you are destined to be 'Rushing around' - 'Russian around'.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dan Brown Day

A day that is not going to be straight forward, although it will be strangely predictable in broad terms. Almost without doubt there will be a successful conclusion but there may be some casualties on the way.

Saturday, December 3, 2011


Eric - a stressed individual. From the animated character Stressed Eric. Use: 'We don't need any Erics in the room'.

Friday, December 2, 2011


A sufferer of Vocational Associated Tourettes Syndrome. A VATman will break into spontaneous strings expletives as a result of progress being impeded for example. External influences are the main catalyst for the the VATman to morph into a state of enhanced verbal agitation.


A frozen post or position that needs to be filled to avoid overloading other team members. Uses 'we need to get the snowman onto this one if they ever arrive' - implies the team are aware they are a person short and need assistance. Once the post is filled or disbanded the snowman becomes extinct, 'the snowman has melted'.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cheeseboard day

A day where you turn up to your desk in good time and due to a gap in urgent traffic you can decide what to work on first. Like choosing the best cheese on the board. Ensure to choose wisely as some dairy products can induce nightmares in some individuals, this can be an unwanted side effect of a cheeseboard day.

Switch Dr

The IT guy who turns up and solves the problem you are experiencing without touching a thing. Can be problematic down the line if the fault returns the presence of the Switch Dr may not rectify the problem a second time around. A person with unpredictable mystical powers.